Saturday, July 29, 2017

Domain name management is easy to make easy

Domain name management is easy to make easy

Domain name management is easy to make easy

Buying a domain name is a relatively easy process, but it can be confusing in their management. There are many options to consider, and there are hundreds of registrars to choose from.

There are some important decisions you need to make You are not enough to register a domain from the first place you find. You need to choose the best possible domain for your website, from a registrar you can buy that you can trust and manage it effectively.

You need to decide whether to use WHOIS protection, whether the domain is parked and how long it will register. Believe it or not, these things make a difference.

So let's get started so that you can properly register a domain and it can handle it properly.

Selecting a Registrar

The first thing you want to do is decide whether you want to use a registrar. GoDaddy is a popular choice, but I do not recommend it. According to many people, they are prone to disable domains on false spam reports, and charges a huge fee for domain reinstatement, even if you can prove that you have not made any mistake.

The name Chech is a popular alternative. They have free WHOIS protection for the first year of each domain, and they have a coupon per month that gives you a great discount, which makes every domain less than $ 10.

I use NameCheap as an example of this guide because I think it is the best registrar. It is easy to use, affordable, and easy to use their interface.

I do not recommend using a hosting company domain service. They often keep your domain hostage and make it difficult to transfer it when you decide to leave their hosting. Always register your domain yourself, and always work directly through a registrar.

Find a domain name

Many people believe that all good domain names are taken. This is not true. Although it is true that you will not be able to pick books or anything, there is a large number of domains which are still available.

To choose the right domain for your purpose, you will need to determine what domain you are going to use. There are two main classifications.

Keyword Domain

If you want to create a mere blog or website or you want to invest in a domain that you can sell for profit afterwards, then you want to buy a keyword based domain name.

You should search for domain names of high-traffic keywords. If you wanted to make a site about discount golf clubs, you would ideally want to get

The keywords, especially keywords that are available in a significant number of searches, also have good resale value. You could buy a domain for $ 10 and reverse it for hundreds or even thousands

Branding domain

If you want to create a site that will be branded like Pinterest or Flickr, then you can be a little more creative. You'll want to get a one word domain (or two max). But you can use creative spellings.

When buying a domain for branding purpose:
1. Do not see a word that will be very difficult to spell. Flickr is relatively easy to think, but can not be photographer. Many characters have changed that people can not remember that it is different from the original word. It will be memorable.
2. Select a word that fits your niche for a site about golf, you might get something like, for example.
3. Combine your branding. Make sure you can craft a logo that will help people remember your domain name.

Warning: Do not search for a registrar domain name until you are ready to buy! Some registrars contract with the satellites to supply them recently searched names. After they buy the domain and after a premium charge for them.

Register a domain

Once you have time to register a domain, you have to remember some things. First of all, do not use fake information during the registration process. You can later take away from your domain, if you've built significant traffic to it then it would be a real shame.

Secondly, you probably want to register all your domains with the same registrar. It's tedious to be worried about your domain with multiple registrars.

You need to decide whether or not to use WHOIS protection and how long you should register for a domain.

WHOIS protection

Many people opt for WHOIS protection automatically, but this is not always the best option. Some SEO consultants have suggested that Google and other search engines will keep their registration information safe.

In addition, you can not trust your customers to protect your information. It could be a lost sale.

However, if you are concerned about what you are doing or find in your home, you can use WHOIS protection or at least one P.O. Instead of a street address box.
Registration length

You only have your self for one year


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