Thursday, July 27, 2017

Learning the basics of web design

Learning the basics of web design

The increasing accessibility of website creation and hosting has had a massive impact on the popularity of people who create their own sites. When someone chooses to create a website they can select one of the many support programs that will translate visuals and functions to fully operational live sites. Alternatively, they can learn basic web design concepts to design the site using HTML, CSS and any other programming language that browsers understand.
The basic language used to design and distribute web pages is called Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). It consists of a series of tags representing different commands for web browsers. In general, all web browsers will interpret HTML tags in the same way, but some will treat more complex styles in different ways. With each new version of HTML these problems of translation are less and less.
Before venturing into understanding and using this language, however, it is important to understand how a basic web page is viewed and used by Internet users. This will help in forming the pages of a website to make it the easiest to use. Many sites are not very popular simply because they are difficult to navigate and often misleading.

The home page of a site should be very clear and accurate, not only about what the site offers but also give an overall impression of the type of experience that a user can expect from the site. Clear toolbars and navigation menus tend to be at the top of the page or aligned to one side. Even in the latter case, they remain at the top of the page.
Functions like news feeds as well as log-in and log links will appear towards the top of the home page and be bold enough to highlight people who may not be very familiar with the site design. Images tend to be used sparingly, as they can slow down the process of a computer loading pages.
When it comes to using HTML for basic web design concepts, a web designer will continue to create a visual image of how to preview any web page before beginning to use the code to present it. Whether it is a sketch or a program design document, it functions as a very useful reference during the design process.
HTML tags are able to dictate the size, font, and color of the entire text of the page. You can position images and floating elements as well as hide information until needed. A great example of this is when the images will show more text explaining more details once a user hovering his cursor over the image. While there are many great advanced features, you are encouraged to keep things basic at first. Getting orderly and orderly functionality is a core of web design basics that should be achieved before trying to cheer the site up too.
Uniformity throughout the site is also a very important factor and cascading style sheets (CSS) are used to implement a standardized style across all pages without having to repeat code on every page. Although many people do not consider this a key part of learning basic web design concepts, it is best to learn their uses sooner rather than later.
Useful web site development resources include website design and also English grammar. These sites can be useful if you are looking for additional resources.


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